Shop for Superfine Pure Cane Bar Sugar for Cocktails - 16 oz

Superfine Pure Cane Bar Sugar for Cocktails - 16 oz
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Superfine Pure Cane Bar Sugar for Cocktails - 16 oz Details & Features

C&H , This superfine pure cane sugar dissolves quickly with liquor and is an essential ingredient in many mixed drinks. Though it can be difficult to find, this sugar is ideal for making delicious mojitos, certain tiki drinks, many classic cocktails and in iced tea. Sold in a one pound container. In stock and ready to ship. Features: Ideal for Mojitos, Tiki drinks, classic cocktails and iced tea. A difficult to find bar essential. Specs: Size: 16 oz (1 lb). ...

Here are some of the great features of Superfine Pure Cane

  • Dissolves quickly with liquor.
  • A difficult to find bar essential.
  • Ideal for mojitos, tiki drinks, classic cocktails and iced tea.
  • Size: 16 oz (1 lb).
  • An essential ingredient in many mixed drinks.

Superfine Pure Cane
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